Once upon a time there was a little boy named
Archibald Leach who ran away from home in Bristol, England, to
join an acrobatic troupe. Well-versed in stilt-walking,
acrobatic and clown routines, he trekked all over the British
Isles and across the Atlantic to the N.Y. Hippodrome. During
an automobile trip to California, he casually took a screen test
and has been hitting cinematic headlines ever since.
Nowadays you'll recognize him as Cary Grant, starring in Columbia
Pictures. He has a preference for striped ties and an
arch-hate for monogrammed shirts and hankies, but doesn't
understand why anyone gives a darn. Claims he's a bungler
when it comes to courtin'; then discredits his statement by
successfully wooing top-notch heiress Barbara Hutton.
Close-mouthed, he won't talk about his fiancée or closest pals,
Noel Coward and Randy Scott. He has an aversion to cozy
"twosome" shots, consequently goes to previews alone or
with a staid, unphotogenic crony. Doesn't mention his
enormous donations to British War Relief!